Scope Diagram Astrocamera.Net - Astrophotography by Dave Kodama

Recent Astrophotos

Welcome to the astrophotography corner of my personal web site. Here you'll find my photos of astronomical objects ranging from nearby subjects such as meteors, the moon, planets, and the sun, to distant objects such as gas and dust clouds and star clusters inside our galaxy, to galaxies outside our own Milky Way galaxy. My special interests are wide-field photos (as opposed to highly magnified views such as from the Hubble telescope), and especially of challenging transient targets such as meteors, comets, and eclipses.
I welcome any questions or comments you care to send, especially if you are also interested in astrophotography. I hope the technical info I have on the site will aid and encourage your own astrophotography efforts.













White Light View of the Sun Sun in H-alpha Solar Prominence
White Light View of the Sun
26 July 2023
Sun in H-alpha
29 July 2023
Solar Prominence
30 July 2023








SpaceX Launch Saturn, Jupiter, Mars Sun
SpaceX Launch
30 Aug. 2022
Saturn, Jupiter, Mars
25 Sept. 2022
Sun in Hα and White Light
17 Sept. 2022


Perseid Meteors Planets Planets
Perseid Meteors
13 Aug. 2022
20 Aug. 2022
More Planets
27 Aug. 2022











Comet C2019 L3

M97 & M108

Rho Ophiuchus region
13 Apr. 2022 - Testing the Kenko Comet Band Filter.


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