Sun / Equipment Testing |
Today's solar disk is showing some interesting sunspot groups.
The real reason for taking this shot was the testing of some new equipment. The mount I'm using here is a Sky Watcher Star Adventurer GTi, a very lightweight "tracker" meant for lighter camera and lens combinations, but pushed to the limit here with my Borg 100ED (4" aperture) scope. The setup is actually pretty wobbly with that load and I wouldn't use it in any kind of wind. But this tracker is motorized in two axes (unlike most trackers), so with the help of the Hinode solar guider, it's able to follow the sun with no problem even though I didn't accurately align the mount.
The other test I was running was to use the Player One Saturn-c camera which is built around the square format Sony IMX533 chip (3008x3008 pixels, 3.76 microns).
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