M46/M47 Region in Puppis

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The full-frame overview of the M46/M47 region in the constellation Puppis gives a nice sense of scale and context to the objects we normally see individually in our telescopes. Embedded in the cluster M46 is an even smaller planetary nebula NGC2438 which appears as a little red dot in this widefield photo. Actually, it's not really physically embedded in the cluster, but just appears so because it happens to be lying in the same direction as M46 as we view it.

Technical data:
Scope:   Borg 100ED F6.4
Mount: Losmandy G11
Guider: SBIG STV
Film: Kodak E200 (+2 push)
Exposure: 60 minutes
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[Left] Enlargement of M46 and NGC2438.

Copyright 2002 by David A. Kodama, All Rights Reserved